IA Knowledge mobilization

Knowledge mobilization is an umbrella term that includes a wide range of activities related to both the production and use of research results. Our goal is to make CIHR-IA-funded research and information accessible, understandable, and useful for the research community, community groups, partners, decision makers, health care professionals and older adults and caregivers.

In the table below you will find articles, profiles, reports, webinars, and other content from CIHR-IA-funded research.

IA-funded research

In the table below you will find articles, profiles, reports, webinars, and other content from CIHR-IA-funded research.

Descriptor of product Initiative Date Posted

Heart failure will affect 1 in 5 adults in Canada. The Canadian Heart Function Alliance, is a research network dedicated to improving the prediction, prevention, diagnosis and management of heart failure. Watch this video to learn why it was created and what it has achieved so far.

Visit news and events on the Canadian Heart Function Alliance website for upcoming meetings, webinars, conferences, and educational competitions.

CIHR Team Grant - Heart Failure Research Network, supported by the Institute of Circulatory and Respiratory Health (ICRH), Institute of Indigenous Peoples’ Health (IIPH), Institute of Aging (IA), Institute of Health Services and Policy Research IHSPR), and Institute of Infection and Immunity (III) in partnership with Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada (Heart & Stroke), Mitacs, and National Institutes of Health – National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NIH-NHLBI).


January is Alzheimer’s Awareness month and IA’s Brain Health and Cognitive Impairment in Aging (BHCIA) Research Initiative is delighted to spotlight a series of knowledge mobilization stories each week from the Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging (CCNA).

Visit the CIHR Brain Health and Cognitive Impairment in Aging (BHCIA) Knowledge Mobilization webpage to learn more.

Brain Health and Cognitive Impairment in Aging Research Initiative, led by IA.


The Institute of Aging is a proud funding partner of the Canadian Sleep Research Consortium. The Consortium is a national hub of sleep scientists and clinicians advancing research and interventions to optimize sleep health throughout the lifespan. Sleep is an important part of brain health and overall heath for older people.

To learn more visit: Video: Introducing the Canadian Sleep Research Consortium

The Globe and Mail Decibel Podcast: How sleep affects our brains

Ottawa Citizen article: The high cost of poor sleep — from physical and mental illnesses to economic hits

Summary of key findings, knowledge mobilization and key accomplishments: Consortium's Progress Report to CIHR

Canadian Sleep Research Consortium Workshops & Webinars

Team Grant: Sleep Research Consortium, Coordination and KM Centre (CKMC), supported by Institute of Circulatory and Respiratory Health (ICRH), Institute of Aging (IA), Institute of Human Development, Child and Youth Health (IHDCYH), Institute of Indigenous Peoples’ Health (IIPH), and the Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction (INMHA), in partnership with Eisai Limited and Mitacs.


In June 2024, a half day forum on “Ageism and Health Care, Community Care, and Support” brought together a diverse group of participants to discuss ageism, including older persons, researchers, health care professionals, and community organizations.

To learn more visit: Report: Shaping the Future: A National Forum’s Call to Action to Eliminating Ageism in Care and Support [ PDF (3.4 MB) - external link ]

Press Release: New Ipsos survey reveals critical need to combat ageism in Canada

Summer 2023 CIHR Planning and Dissemination Grant – Institute Community Support, supported by IA.


2024 CIHR-IHSPR Health System Impact Fellow, supported by IA.


The Age with Dignity Research Centre, led by Dr. Manon Lemonde, brings together expertise from a wide range of disciplines, to advance the science of aging and inform best practices.

Visit the Age with Dignity Research Centre to learn more.

Winter 2023 CIHR Planning and Dissemination Grants – Institute Community Support, supported by IA


Researchers held in-person and virtual knowledge exchange sessions to advance priorities for Older People with Experiences of Homelessness (OPEH).

Watch the Joining the Dots of Older Homelessness seminar on YouTube.

To learn more visit:
Article: System failing growing number of seniors who are homeless

Podcast: Seniors and Homelessness, a Growing Concern

Canadian Medical Association Journal analysis: Tackling late-life homelessness in Canada

Summer 2023 CIHR Planning and Dissemination Grant – Institute Community Support, supported by IA


Researchers conducted the COORDINATEs (technology to support decisionmaking about aging at home) study in Canada, Sweden, and the Netherlands, to understand how older adults' mobility impacts their autonomy and housing decisions.

Learn about knowledge mobilization from this project and other projects on the JPI More Year Better Lives website.

European Union Joint Program Initiative (JPI) More Years Better Lives

Team Grant: More Years / Better Lives supported by IA, IHSPR, Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare (Sweden) and the Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development (ZonMw)


Results from this Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA) study provide a valuable resource describing the genetic architecture of metabolites and delivers insights into their roles in common diseases, thereby offering opportunities for therapeutic targets.

Learn more in this Impact story of the year (2023): CLSA research identifies metabolites that influence common age-related diseases.

Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA), supported by IA


Using data from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA), a team of McMaster University researchers developed age-specific performance charts to improve the identification of low physical function and mobility in mid-to-late-life older adults, allowing for early interventions to preserve mobility and function and improve quality of life.

Learn more about this Knowledge Mobilization Activity/Product (2023): Charting the course of healthy mobility.

Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA), supported by IA


The National Multidisciplinary Priority-Setting Summit on grab bar installation, aimed to prevent falls, reduce injuries and improve bathroom accessibility for older adults in Canada.

To access a summary of the summit, including priorities for action, recommendations and next steps, email: info@parachute.ca.

Winter 2023 CIHR Planning and Dissemination Grants – Institute Community Support, supported by IA


This series of conversations on the newest research findings, knowledge, and observations on topics related to healthy living and healthy aging, is now available.

Watch the InfoIRL/LRInfo videos featured on the LIFE Research Institute YouTube channel.

Summer 2023 CIHR Planning and Dissemination Grant – Institute Community Support, supported by IA


50 teams presented their findings at the Quadruple Aim and Equity End-of-Grant Workshop. Their research covered several topics including models of care for older adults.

Read the Summary Report and Evidence Brief Booklet to learn more.

CIHR Catalyst Grant: Quadruple Aim and Equity is led by the Institute of Health Services and Policy Research (IHSPR), in partnership with the Institute of Aging (IA), the Institute of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis (IMHA), the Institute of Population and Public Health (IPPH), the Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction (INMHA), and the CMA Foundation.

IA supported the Nurse Practitioner/Physician Collaborative Models of Care: Advancing Our Understanding of What Works project.


The CIHR Institute of Aging (CIHR-IA) supported two conferences in the fall of 2023 focusing on translational geroscience in Canada. The Canadian Summit on Geroscience and the First Canadian Conference on Translation Geroscience.

Read a summary in the Journals of Gerontology and learn about the founding of the Canadian Translational Geroscience Network.

The network aims to generate discussions among professionals interested in promoting longevity and healthy aging. Its first meeting takes place September 5th and 6th, 2024 in Montreal.

2023 CIHR Planning and Dissemination Grants – Institute Community Support, supported by IA.

Canadian Geroscience Summit

1st Canadian Conference on Translational Geroscience


Older Adults, Falls and Concussions: A National Multidisciplinary Priority-Setting Summit, aimed to help inform the way forward on the topic of Older Adults, Falls and Concussions.

Watch the summit on YouTube or email info@parachute.ca for a summary, recommendations and next steps.

Winter 2023 CIHR Planning and Dissemination Grants – Institute Community Support, supported by IA.


The eHealth Innovations Initiative was designed to increase access to health systems for patients, fostering cross-sectoral partnerships, building capacity, and improving efficiencies for greater cost effectiveness of service delivery.

Find out about the key results and learnings from the eHealth Innovations Impact Assessment in the Summary Report and Infographic.

CIHR eHealth Initiative, co-led by the Institutes of  Aging (IA) and Health Services and Policy Research (IHSPR) and in collaboration with the Institutes of Neuroscience, Mental Health and Addiction (INMHA) and Human Development, Child and Youth Health (IHDCYH). 2024-04-26

Watch the video: Seniors – Adding Life to Years (SALTY) project to learn about this study that aimed to add quality to late life for people living in long-term care and for their caregivers, including family, friends, volunteers, and care workers.

Visit the Seniors – Adding Life to Years (SALTY) project website to learn about results and dissemination including publications in academic journals, webinars, podcasts and research briefs.

Team Grant: Late Life Issues: Seniors- Adding Life to Years (SALTY) 2024-02-09

Learn how research is improving intensive care and how tools can help ensure a smooth transition from the intensive care unit (ICU) to the home environment.

The Critical Care Pain Observation Tool for Families (CPOT-Fam), is a behavioural tool that families can use to help identify pain in non-communicative critically ill patients.

Message stelfoxt@ualberta.ca for details on publications in academic journals including the Critical Care Pain Observation Tool for Families (CPOT-Fam) and the Patient-Oriented Discharge Summary Tool (PODS-ICU).

Team Grant: Late Life Issues: Development and Evaluation of a Family-Partnered Care Pathway for Critically Ill Older Patients 2024-02-09
2023 CIHR-IHSPR Health System Impact Fellow, supported by IA. 2023-12-11

The goal of Dr. Stacey Hatch’s research, in collaboration with the Canadian Coalition for Seniors' Mental Health and the University of Calgary, is to develop effective knowledge mobilization strategies to increase the use of clinical practice guidelines for older adults with mental health conditions.

2023 CIHR-IHSPR Health System Impact Fellow, supported by IA. 2023-12-11
2023 CIHR Institute of Aging Betty Havens Prize for Knowledge Mobilization in Aging 2023-11-16

Dr. Alexandra Papaioannou and her team develop new interventions and models of care for frail older adults and evaluate them across community, hospital, and long-term care settings.

Visit Geras Centre for Aging Research to learn more.

2023 CIHR Institute of Aging Betty Havens Prize for Knowledge Mobilization in Aging 2023-11-16
2023 CIHR Institute of Aging Betty Havens Prize for Knowledge Mobilization in Aging 2023-11-16

The Flipping Stigma Toolkit, co-created by researchers and people with dementia, is aimed at supporting those with dementia and reducing the stigma and discrimination they face.

Watch the Flipping Stigma in Primary Care video to learn what health care professionals need to know about day-to-day life with dementia.

The toolkit is listed on the World Health Organization's Global Dementia Observatory Knowledge Exchange Platform.

Visit Flipping Stigma in Dementia to learn more and shop for items like T-shirts and postcards with proceeds going toward further research around understanding and addressing dementia-related stigma.

Summer 2022 CIHR Planning and Dissemination Grant - Institute Community Support, supported by IA.

CIHR Project Grant 2018: Putting Social Citizenship into Practice: Reducing Stigma and Promoting Social Inclusion of People with Dementia


Summer 2022 CIHR Planning and Dissemination Grant - Institute Community Support, supported by IA.


The 2020 CIHR Institute of Aging Voluntary Sector Knowledge Mobilization Support Grant


Visit the Active Aging Canada website for resources for health care professionals to help promote physical activity to older adults.

The 2023 CIHR Institute of Aging Voluntary Sector Knowledge Mobilization Support Grant 2023-10-20
Photo collage of the Reflection Room at the 2023 Hospice Palliative Care Ontario Conference.
The 2023 CIHR Institute of Aging Voluntary Sector Knowledge Mobilization Support Grant 2023-10-20

Visit the Move & Connect webinar series that aims to connect older adults to information and services to support their physical, social, and mental health.

Visit Active Aging Society to watch webinar recordings and learn more.

The 2023 CIHR Institute of Aging Voluntary Sector Knowledge Mobilization Support Grant 2023-10-20

Watch this video and read the project summary to learn about how older adults, caregivers, health and social care providers and researchers, from the Canadian Aging Action, Research, & Education (CAARE) for Mental Health Group, are working together to make a difference in the lives of older adults and their mental health.

Visit SE Research Centre to learn more.

The 2023 CIHR Institute of Aging Voluntary Sector Knowledge Mobilization Support Grant 2023-10-20

The Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA) webinar series

Visit CLSA Webinar Videos to watch past webinars.

Visit CLSA Webinars to learn more about upcoming webinars.

Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA), supported by IA 2023-06-26
Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA), supported by IA 2023-06-26
2022 CIHR Institute of Aging Betty Havens Prize for Knowledge Mobilization in Aging 2023-02-03
2022 Health System Impact Fellow, supported by IA 2023-02-03
2022 Health System Impact Fellow, supported by IA 2023-02-03
National Research Council Aging in Place Challenge Program, supported by IA 2023-02-03
National Research Council Aging in Place Challenge Program, supported by IA 2023-02-03
National Research Council Aging in Place Challenge Program, supported by IA 2023-02-03
Implementation Science Teams – Strengthening Pandemic Preparedness in Long-Term Care, supported by IA 2023-02-03
Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging, supported by the Institute of Aging 2023-03-20

Healthy Cities Research Initiative supported by IA

Learn more about the Healthy Cities Implementation Science (HCIS) Team Grant

IA KM Funding

The CIHR Institute of Aging funds three Knowledge Mobilization opportunities:

  • Betty Havens Prize for Knowledge Mobilization in Aging
  • Voluntary Sector Knowledge Mobilization Support Grant
  • Planning and Dissemination Grants – Institute Community Support

The CIHR Institute of Aging Betty Havens Prize for Knowledge Mobilization in Aging

The CIHR Institute of Aging Betty Havens Prize for Knowledge Mobilization in Aging honours Betty Havens, a leading gerontologist who was committed to improving the lives of seniors. She is recognised for her notable achievements in health services research on the aging process. This prize, based on nominations of applicants by peers, teams or organizations, supports an individual, team or organization that has advanced the mobilization of research in aging at a local or regional level.

This prize is awarded annually. The competition opens at end of June; applications are due in July; the notice of decision is announced in August and funding starts in September.

2023 Recipients
2022 Recipients
2021 Recipients

The CIHR Institute of Aging Voluntary Sector Knowledge Mobilization Support Grant

The CIHR Institute of Aging Voluntary Sector Knowledge Mobilization Support Grant is a knowledge mobilization award that recognizes and supports exceptional groups working in the non-profit and voluntary health sector.

This initiative supports Canadian non-profits’ efforts to:

  1. increase or enhance the impact and public awareness of currently available knowledge on the trajectory of aging, and
  2. engage in activities that would inform the research community of unmet needs in the field of healthy aging.

This annual competition opens in October; applications are due in January; the notice of decision is announced in late February and funding starts in March.

2024 Recipients
2023 Recipients
2022 Recipients

Planning and Dissemination Grants – Institute Community Support

The CIHR Institute Community Support (ICS) Program is designed to foster community development by providing grants and awards to individuals and organizations:

  • to support planning activities, partnership development and to increase understanding of the health research landscape that will contribute to the advancement of research consistent with the mandate of CIHR; and
  • to support dissemination events and activities that focus on the communication of health research evidence to the appropriate researcher or knowledge-user audiences, tailoring the message and medium as appropriate.

Competitions take place in the summer and winter each year.

Summer 2024: Recipients; Funding Opportunity

Winter 2024: Recipients; Funding Opportunity

Summer 2023: Recipients; Funding Opportunity

Winter 2023: Recipients; Funding Opportunity

Summer 2022: Recipients; Funding Opportunity

Winter 2022: Recipients; Funding Opportunity

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